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Kenyan Girls
Our Purpose

Is to alleviate poverty in Western Kenya and assist in developing sustainable communities by networking with government officials, community leaders and other NGO’s both local and international.

Habitat Aid Initiative
Get Involved

Travel with us to East Africa on a Donor Trip to engage our work first-hand by visiting our projects. See our progress and then decide how you would like to support Habitat Aid Initiative.


June 20 - July 2, 2025


Email us if interested in traveling with our team in 2026! 

Habitat Aid
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Your gift can make a difference! Your tax-deductible donation is central to supporting the mission of Habitat Aid: Providing sustainable solutions for the disenfranchised in Kenya with education, health services, & more!

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Walter W. Dean

Founder/Managing Director


With your support and that of other donors like yourselves Habitat Aid Initiative has given hope to the voiceless and disenfranchised people living in Western Kenya. Life is a daily struggle for survival for those who live in poverty and through the work of Habitat Aid Initiative, we provide effective, sustainable, and long-term solutions that empower human beings to live in dignity with respect.


Information on this web site will help you understand the problems facing the people of this region and hopefully have an effect on your view of the world and your place in it.


We ask for your assistance and relevant engagement in creating sustainable communities in which everyone sleeps without fear and awakens with hope for the future.


We are committed to pursuing our mission with excellence because the people we serve deserve nothing less.


With thanks and sincerest regards,




As part of the Habitat Aid Initiative's mission to address root causes of poverty, we work with families to improve agriculture and conservation. 


Our initiatives help farmers increase crop quality through the use of new technologies; thereby, enables farmers to reclaim land that was once unusable thereby producing more food and family income. Families who have lost wage earners to HIV/AIDS, conflict, or migratory labor patterns work with Habitat Aid Initiative to develop new farming skills in order to build more stable and secure futures.


Habitat Aid Initiative works to improve the lives of those who serve through sustainable production, increased incomes, responsible use of resources, and community empowerment. Because most of the world's people living in developing countries live in rural areas, improving agriculture and protecting natural resources is fundamental to overcoming poverty.


Education is at the heart of social economic development and has the power to reduce poverty, improve health and promote democracy. Educated people can make thoughtful and informed decisions which will positively affect their family, their community, and their future. Our approach to education includes working with schools to identify and remove barriers to education, especially for girls.


We mobilize local leaders to invest in education, assist educators in strengthening their capacity to support learning at the primary and secondary level, and partner with local organizations to strengthen their capacity to support education.


One in five adults in the developing world cannot read or write. This problem is especially pronounced for females. Women's illiteracy rates exceed 70 percent in more than 20 nations and over 80 million girls in the developing world do not attend school.


Studies show that improvements in education for girls can lead to increased family income, improved health and nutrition, reduced fertility rates, and decreased child and maternal mortality.


The scouting program in Kenya is responsible for teaching good hygiene, healthy behaviors and personal sustainability.


HABITAT AID INITIATIVE is a registered non-government organization (NGO) within Kenya through the NGO Coordination Board to concentrate its charity and development activities in rural communities of Western Kenya.


Health Services
  • To develop a low cost medical and health facility including clinic related facilities such as maternity wards, laboratories, prenatal and postnatal units, and outpatient care facilities.

  • To promote health education in environmental health improvement and sanitation.

  • To provide and make available information on HIV, AIDS, Malaria, Typhoid, Tuberculosis and related ailments to all members of the community, irrespective of their religion, background, origin, tribe, race, or nationality.

  • To build the capacity of rural communities in coordinating and managing preventive health services.

  • To highlight priorities and education of girls and women in rural farming communities.

  • To construct educational physical facilities in schools within rural communities such as dormitories, classrooms, and laboratories.

  • To provide computers and computer education to learning institutions.

  • To liase with the Ministry of Education and other providers of education to encourage agricultural training within schools.

  • To support Kenya scouting activities

  • To promote self-sufficiency in the growing of food crops to achieve food security at the household level.

  • To support the use of tractors and other modern farming technologies for increased output.

  • To educate farmers on quality seeds, fertilizers and effective transport utilization and farm mechanization.

  • To help small-scale farmers become organized into cooperative societies for marketing their farm produce.

Gender Mainstreaming
  • To promote gender mainstreaming by applying equality of men and women in development and empowering women in community development activities.

  • To encourage girl education and initiate programs and activities aimed at reducing premature school dropout, teenage pregnancies, early marriages, and child labor.

  • To fight all other gender imbalances – Advocate for women and children's rights.

Water & Sanitation
  • To initiate bore-hole well projects in areas with no or poor access to clean drinking water.

  • To initiate community water management committees for fair water distribution and utilization.

  • To introduce water treatment and purification projects as well as existing water pump repair.

  • To promote water utilization for small-scale irrigation for food production.

  • To promote healthy household practices related to water utilization.

  • To promote sustainability of clean water supplies through safe sanitation practices.

Capacity Building
  • Training the leadership to be visionary, open to change, and effective.

  • Equipping staff with the necessary and useful skills.

  • Training in cost effective and economizing project expenditures.

  • Training in bookkeeping, budget procedures, and project evaluation.




As part of the Habitat Aid Initiative's mission to address root causes of poverty, we work with families to improve agriculture and conservation. 


Our initiatives help farmers increase crop quality through the use of new technologies; thereby, enables farmers to reclaim land that was once unusable thereby producing more food and family income. Families who have lost wage earners to HIV/AIDS, conflict, or migratory labor patterns work with Habitat Aid Initiative to develop new farming skills in order to build more stable and secure futures.


Habitat Aid Initiative works to improve the lives of those who serve through sustainable production, increased incomes, responsible use of resources, and community empowerment. Because most of the world's people living in developing countries live in rural areas, improving agriculture and protecting natural resources is fundamental to overcoming poverty.


Education is at the heart of social economic development and has the power to reduce poverty, improve health and promote democracy. Educated people can make thoughtful and informed decisions which will positively affect their family, their community, and their future. Our approach to education includes working with schools to identify and remove barriers to education, especially for girls.


We mobilize local leaders to invest in education, assist educators in strengthening their capacity to support learning at the primary and secondary level, and partner with local organizations to strengthen their capacity to support education.


One in five adults in the developing world cannot read or write. This problem is especially pronounced for females. Women's illiteracy rates exceed 70 percent in more than 20 nations and over 80 million girls in the developing world do not attend school.


Studies show that improvements in education for girls can lead to increased family income, improved health and nutrition, reduced fertility rates, and decreased child and maternal mortality.


The scouting program in Kenya is responsible for teaching good hygiene, healthy behaviors and personal sustainability.



As part of the Habitat Aid Initiative's mission to address root causes of poverty, we work with families to improve agriculture and conservation. 


Our initiatives help farmers increase crop quality through the use of new technologies; thereby, enables farmers to reclaim land that was once unusable thereby producing more food and family income. Families who have lost wage earners to HIV/AIDS, conflict, or migratory labor patterns work with Habitat Aid Initiative to develop new farming skills in order to build more stable and secure futures.


Habitat Aid Initiative works to improve the lives of those who serve through sustainable production, increased incomes, responsible use of resources, and community empowerment. Because most of the world's people living in developing countries live in rural areas, improving agriculture and protecting natural resources is fundamental to overcoming poverty.


Education is at the heart of social economic development and has the power to reduce poverty, improve health and promote democracy. Educated people can make thoughtful and informed decisions which will positively affect their family, their community, and their future. Our approach to education includes working with schools to identify and remove barriers to education, especially for girls.


We mobilize local leaders to invest in education, assist educators in strengthening their capacity to support learning at the primary and secondary level, and partner with local organizations to strengthen their capacity to support education.


One in five adults in the developing world cannot read or write. This problem is especially pronounced for females. Women's illiteracy rates exceed 70 percent in more than 20 nations and over 80 million girls in the developing world do not attend school.


Studies show that improvements in education for girls can lead to increased family income, improved health and nutrition, reduced fertility rates, and decreased child and maternal mortality.


The scouting program in Kenya is responsible for teaching good hygiene, healthy behaviors and personal sustainability.



As part of the Habitat Aid Initiative's mission to address root causes of poverty, we work with families to improve agriculture and conservation. 


Our initiatives help farmers increase crop quality through the use of new technologies; thereby, enables farmers to reclaim land that was once unusable thereby producing more food and family income. Families who have lost wage earners to HIV/AIDS, conflict, or migratory labor patterns work with Habitat Aid Initiative to develop new farming skills in order to build more stable and secure futures.


Habitat Aid Initiative works to improve the lives of those who serve through sustainable production, increased incomes, responsible use of resources, and community empowerment. Because most of the world's people living in developing countries live in rural areas, improving agriculture and protecting natural resources is fundamental to overcoming poverty.


Education is at the heart of social economic development and has the power to reduce poverty, improve health and promote democracy. Educated people can make thoughtful and informed decisions which will positively affect their family, their community, and their future. Our approach to education includes working with schools to identify and remove barriers to education, especially for girls.


We mobilize local leaders to invest in education, assist educators in strengthening their capacity to support learning at the primary and secondary level, and partner with local organizations to strengthen their capacity to support education.


One in five adults in the developing world cannot read or write. This problem is especially pronounced for females. Women's illiteracy rates exceed 70 percent in more than 20 nations and over 80 million girls in the developing world do not attend school.


Studies show that improvements in education for girls can lead to increased family income, improved health and nutrition, reduced fertility rates, and decreased child and maternal mortality.


The scouting program in Kenya is responsible for teaching good hygiene, healthy behaviors and personal sustainability.


Poor health is a key cause of poverty and good health is a key factor in overcoming it. Healthy children are able to grow mentally and physically, becoming healthy adults who are productive members of society. Habitat Aid Initiative takes a comprehensive approach to helping people improve and protect their well-being. This approach promotes healthy behaviors, empowers communities to prevent and manage health risks, and supports local health clinics in providing high-quality health services and supplies.


Nearly all of our work has an impact on health: agricultural innovation means better nutrition, income earning activities pay for food and health care, education projects help people learn to care for themselves.


Each year, more than 8 million children die from preventable or treatable illnesses. We need your support to educate mothers in ways they can protect their children.


Besides being key to sustaining life, water is vital for all agricultural, industrial, and rural enterprises. To ensure there are sufficient resources to meet all of these needs, Habitat Aid Initiative projects encourage integrated management of water for agriculture and other economic activities, as well as health and sanitation. We work to ensure that the poor have access to water sources and help communities take responsibility for protecting those sources. Bringing safe water and sanitation to communities increases school attendance, improves health, and gives people more time and energy to generate income. This one resource helps create several sustainable solutions to poverty.


Poor people consistently name lack of water among the main causes and consequences of their poverty.


By 2025, 48 countries are expected to face severe water shortages, potentially affecting the lives of more than 1 billion people.



As part of the Habitat Aid Initiative's mission to address root causes of poverty, we work with families to improve agriculture and conservation. 


Our initiatives help farmers increase crop quality through the use of new technologies; thereby, enabling farmers to reclaim land that was once unusable, allowing them to transition from subsistence farming to commercial farming. Families who have lost wage earners to HIV/AIDS, conflict, or migratory labor patterns work with Habitat Aid Initiative to develop new farming skills in order to build more stable and secure futures.


Habitat Aid Initiative works to improve the lives of those who serve through sustainable production, increased incomes, responsible use of resources, and community empowerment. Because most of the world's people living in developing countries live in rural areas, improving agriculture and protecting natural resources is fundamental to overcoming poverty.


Education is at the heart of social economic development and has the power to reduce poverty, improve health and promote democracy. Educated people can make thoughtful and informed decisions which will positively affect their family, their community, and their future. Our approach to education includes working with schools to identify and remove barriers to education, especially for girls.


We mobilize local leaders to invest in education, assist educators in strengthening their capacity to support learning at the primary and secondary level, and partner with local organizations to strengthen their capacity to support education.


One in five adults in the developing world cannot read or write. This problem is especially pronounced for females. Women's illiteracy rates exceed 70 percent in more than 20 nations and over 80 million girls in the developing world do not attend school.


Studies show that improvements in education for girls can lead to increased family income, improved health and nutrition, reduced fertility rates, and decreased child and maternal mortality.


The scouting program in Kenya is responsible for teaching good hygiene, healthy behaviors and personal sustainability.


Poor health is a key cause of poverty and good health is a key factor in overcoming it. Healthy children are able to grow mentally and physically, becoming healthy adults who are productive members of society. Habitat Aid Initiative takes a comprehensive approach to helping people improve and protect their well-being. This approach promotes healthy behaviors, empowers communities to prevent and manage health risks, and supports local health clinics in providing high-quality health services and supplies.


Nearly all of our work has an impact on health: agricultural innovation means better nutrition, income earning activities pay for food and health care, education projects help people learn to care for themselves.


Each year, more than 8 million children die from preventable or treatable illnesses. We need your support to educate mothers in ways they can protect their children.


Besides being key to sustaining life, water is vital for all agricultural, industrial, and rural enterprises. To ensure there are sufficient resources to meet all of these needs, Habitat Aid Initiative projects encourage integrated management of water for agriculture and other economic activities, as well as health and sanitation. We work to ensure that the poor have access to water sources and help communities take responsibility for protecting those sources. Bringing safe water and sanitation to communities increases school attendance, improves health, and gives people more time and energy to generate income. This one resource helps create several sustainable solutions to poverty.


Poor people consistently name lack of water among the main causes and consequences of their poverty.


To date, 48 countries are expected to face severe water shortages, potentially affecting the lives of more than 1 billion people.



U.S.A. Office

For any inquiries, questions or comments, please call: 678-513-9845 or fill out the form below.

5665 Atlanta Hwy Suite 102B-252 

Alpharetta, Georgia 30004 



Kenya Office

P.O. Box 76256

Yaya Centre, Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: 011-254-722-790-173  (outside Kenya)

Or: 0722-790-173 (within Kenya)

To participate in one of our next donor trips, please contact us!

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                                                                            5665 Atlanta Hwy Suite 102B-252 • Alpharetta, Georgia • 30004 • USA

678-513-9845 •


        Habitat Aid Initiative is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization • Federal ID# 26-0859859 • NGO Coordination Board of Kenya Cert. #OP.218/051/2005/0298/3714


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